
Scouts are aged from 10½ to 14 and meet as a Troop made up of Patrols led by senior Scouts, called Patrol Leaders, who have a responsibility to help organize and lead. Scouts aims to build and develop young people’s confidence, sense of adventure and outdoor skills, as well as encouraging them to explore their beliefs and attitudes and be creative. It offers them the independence to put these skills into practice at camps and expeditions. Scouts are required to demonstrate more skill, self-discipline, initiative and, now, a degree of self-motivation as they work through the Challenge Badge programme.

Young people can join from age 10½, and generally move on to Explorers at 14.

We have 3 Scout Troops:

Incas: Tuesdays (7:45-9:15pm)

Spartans: Thursdays (7:30-9:15pm)

Aztecs: Fridays (7:30-9:15pm)


Scouts are encouraged to take part in a wide range of activities as part of their programme including traditional Scouting skills, such as camping, survival and cooking, as well as a wider spectrum of adventurous activities, from abseiling to scuba. Participation rather than meeting set standards is the key approach, and there are a number of badges and awards that Scouts can gain to recognise their achievements.

The Scout Promise

There are a number of variations of the Scout Promise to reflect the range of faiths, beliefs and attitudes, and nationalities, in the UK within Scouting.

On my honour,
I promise that I will do my best
to do my duty to God
and to the Kinh,
to help other people
and to keep the Scout Law.

The Scout Motto

Be prepared

The Scout Law

1.    A Scout is to be trusted.
2.    A Scout is loyal.
3.    A Scout is friendly and considerate.
4.    A Scout belongs to the worldwide family of Scouts.
5.    A Scout has courage in all difficulties.
6.    A Scout makes good use of time and is careful of possessions and property.
7.    A Scout has self-respect and respect for others.


Teal green shirt or blouse or group t-shirt (green) in the summer

We recommend that they wear long trousers (jeans or combat trousers) and trainers


We operate a closed Facebook group for Scouts