With the rapidly rising number of cases of COVID in the local schools we have decided to implement a group wide policy, effective immediately, whereby we ask that our young people (Beavers, Cubs and Scouts) please not attend sessions if there is COVID positive case in your household and to continue to do so until that person(s) is out of isolation.
We realise this is a stricter policy than that being operated by the schools, but the over-riding principle is the personal safety and preference of our adult volunteers, and we have many that are either vulnerable themselves or are carers for others that cannot risk a transmission.
Latest Guidance as of 22nd December 2021:
Readiness level: Yellow
This means: All activities can resume for members who live in England. Residential activities and international travel may take place
Group sizes and limitations:
- All non-residential activities (including young people or Scout Network members): No limit on group size, although all activities must be able to safely manage the risk of transmission of COVID and, if this is not possible, they must not take place. Face coverings are required indoors (unless exempt) for those aged 11+.
- Residential activities: Nights away activities may take place, more details in the planning COVID-safe Nights Away in 2021 guidance.
- For section meetings we will still practise standard advice to stay safe and help prevent spread:
- Adults and YP should not attend if feeling unwell
- Meet outdoors where possible
- If indoors maximise ventilation
- Wash hands and/or use hand-gel at the start of sessions
- Practise social distancing as much as possible
In addition, we have prepared summary versions of the RA for various recipients and some checklists:
Leaders Summary :
Helpers Summary:
Parents Summary:
Young Persons Summary:
Leaders Checklist:
Cleaning Checklist: