
Children’s Sections

The group now has around 180 children divided between Beavers, Cubs and Scouts plus an attached Explorer section. Each section offers its own graduated programme and badge scheme:

Beaver Scouts     »     Cub Scouts     »     Scouts     »     Explorer Scouts     »     Network

6-8 years                   8-10½                  10½-14                  14-18                      18-25

The Group Council

The young people’s sections require administrative and financial support, and these functions are the responsibility of the parents together with leaders though the medium of the Group Council. All parents are automatically members of this council which elects group officers and holds an Annual General Meeting to approve the group reports and accounts produced by the Executive Committee.

The Group Executive

The “Exec” consists of a Chairperson, Treasurer, Secretary, Group Scout Leader and Section Leaders and other members elected or co-opted for specific tasks including Gift Aid Coordination, Quartermaster and Fund-Raising. The committee’s function is to support the section leaders by:

  • Provision of accommodation and equipment
  • Maintaining group property
  • Administering group finances and insurance
  • Public relations

If you would like a way to contribute to the group but you cannot give a weekly commitment, why not join the committee? The committee ensures that leaders are free from administrative burdens as much as possible so they can dedicate their time to the young people. It meets once every couple of months.


The leadership teams are groups of adults that plan and run the section programmes, weekly meetings and events such as camps.

Section Leaders and Assistants are uniformed volunteers prepared to undertake some training in order to fulfill their roles. The amount of training is flexible and designed to accommodate a range of levels of involvement. Each section had a leader and 2-3 assistants.

There are also Occasional Helpers and Skills Instructors who help with activities but do not wish to become full uniformed leaders or take the Scout promise.

Parents – Your Role and How You Can Help

Scouting is a voluntary organisation which only thrives because people (mainly parents and guardians) give up their time to ensure its success. We are always looking for more people to help us in either support or as a part of leadership teams. If you are interested, please talk to a section leader or the Group Scout Leader.

This will be particularly true over the next few years as we embark on a major project to rebuild our group HQ to provide a suitable environment for the next 30+ years. There will be an ongoing fund-raising requirement but we are also looking for support in designing, planning and eventually building and equipping any new building.